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Agents of the Night. Basic Book


Agents of the Night introduces you to the role of a deadly secret agent, dealing with the forces of the night. Create your own spy thrillers with Agents of the Night, from legendary designer Kenneth Hite, author of Trail of Cthulhu. Do your friends love shooters? This is the perfect role-playing game for them!

The Cold War is over. The Bush War is being dismantled. You fought in these wars as a soldier in the shadows, trained to move through secret worlds. Then, you either freed yourself, were excluded, or burned out of the fight. You didn't appear out of thin air. You entered the most clandestine networks of power and crime in Europe with your own means. You completed some missions, and asked even fewer questions. Who assigned you that mission in Prague? Who paid for your silence on that Swiss account? You convinced yourself that it didn't matter.

In the end, it turned out that it did matter. And a lot. Because you were working for vampires.

Vampires exist. But what are they capable of? Who do they have in their power? What places are safe? You still don't know the answers to these questions. You'll have to track the vampire operations, infiltrate their networks, follow their trails and target their weak points. Because if you don't hunt them, they'll hunt you. And they'll finish you off.

Or worse.

Agents of the Night adapts the GUMSHOE game system for use within the spy thriller genre, combining the paranoia of movies like Ronin or The Bourne Case with the supernatural terror of Bram Stoker. Research is crucial, but it will never slow down the action, which explodes with expanded options for intense combat, high-tech espionage and adrenaline-filled pursuits.

Updating classic Gothic horrors for a postmodern era, Agents of the Night presents modularly created monstrosities: directors can create their own vampires, combine them with other minions, and create their own conspiracies to fit their personal style. The established rules will allow you to adjust the level of betrayal, conspiracy and action in your game. Work from the pre-established examples, or combine different vampire skills, objectives and tools for a totally personalized bloodthirsty espionage saga.

The included initiation Adventure will kickstart the story; the included city will show you what could be happening in Marseille even now. Reload your Glock with silver bullets, insert a ultraviolet light bulb into your flashlight, and carefully look in the mirrors... And pray that everything you know about vampires is true.

Date : 11/17/2023
Event type : Boardgame/TTRPG

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