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The predominant themes in cosmic horror

The predominant themes in cosmic horror

Cosmic horror is a subgenre of horror fiction that focuses on the fear of the unknown and incomprehensible. Unlike other horror genres that focus on more visual and bloody elements, cosmic horror is more concerned with exploring the inexplicable. It is characterized by the fear and awe that arises when we encounter phenomena that are beyond our understanding, that have a cosmic meaning and transcend human affairs.

In this type of horror, fear is derived from the understanding that human interests, desires, laws, and morality are irrelevant in the universe as a whole. The entities that appear in the works of Lovecraft, for example, are not necessarily evil, they are simply beyond our conception of morality. It is a contemplation of humanity's place in the vast and inhospitable universe revealed by modern science, where horror arises from the discovery of a terrifying truth.

Cosmic horror is also characterized by being a naturalistic fusion of horror and science fiction, where assumptions about the nature of reality are eroded. Technological and social progress has allowed us to suppress awareness of the magnitude and malice of the cosmos, contained within the human microcosm. It is a calculated repression of the terrifying nature of the universe as a reaction to its essential horror.

Stories of cosmic horror often feature helpless protagonists faced with unfathomable and inescapable powers. These powers reduce human beings from a privileged position to insignificance and incompetence. It is a way of reminding us how small and vulnerable we are compared to the vast cosmos.

Additionally, cosmic horror is concerned with viscera textures and semi-gelatinous protein substances, rather than focusing on more common elements of horror such as blood, bones, or corpses. This attention to the viscous and repulsive gives the genre a unique and disturbing focus.

In summary, cosmic horror is a subgenre of horror that focuses on the fear of the unknown and incomprehensible. It is characterized by exploring the insignificance of humanity in the vast universe, the fear of discovering terrifying truths, and the fusion of horror and science fiction. It is a genre that challenges our conceptions and reminds us how small we are compared to the cosmos.


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