The Cthulhu Calendar

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The festival: Review

The festival: Review

The festival in Kingsport, Massachusetts is not your typical holiday gathering. It is a celebration that dates back centuries, older than the ancient cities of Bethlehem and Babylon. The town itself, with its old-fashioned architecture and narrow, winding streets, appears frozen in time.

The protagonist of our story arrives in Kingsport, visiting the town of his ancestors. As he approaches his relatives' house, he is greeted by a peculiar old man whose face seems oddly artificial. Intriguingly, the house is filled with ancient tomes, including a Latin translation of the Necronomicon, a book of forbidden knowledge. Within its pages, he discovers secrets that defy comprehension.

As the clock strikes 11, our narrator is swept up in a silent procession of cloaked figures, all heading towards a towering white church on a hill. There, hidden beneath the crypt, lies a secret passageway that leads to a horrifying sight. It is a vast shore illuminated by an eerie greenish flame and a dark, oily river flowing from unfathomable depths.

Amidst the unsettling scenery, a Yule-rite takes place, a ritual older than humanity itself. A figure plays a macabre tune on a flute, summoning strange winged creatures that defy description. They are neither bird nor beast, but something far more otherworldly. The cowled figures mount these creatures and disappear into the darkness, traversing underground caverns and perilous chasms.

Despite the disturbing nature of this spectacle, our protagonist resists joining the expedition, even when confronted with his own family lineage and history. Faced with the grotesque revelation that his guide's face is a mask, the narrator plunges into the river to escape the madness that threatens to consume him.

He awakens in a hospital, a stark contrast to the ancient town he left behind. It is explained to him that he fell off a cliff and was rescued from Kingsport Harbour. However, his mind remains consumed by the horrors he witnessed. He is compelled to study the Necronomicon, finding a passage that confirms the darkness lurking beneath Kingsport's surface. It speaks of forbidden knowledge and the corruption that arises from it, warning of the dangers that lie in wait.

As our narrator's journey comes to a close, he is left with a haunting realization. Kingsport is not simply a quaint coastal town, but a place harboring ancient secrets and malevolent forces. Its streets may appear peaceful and its buildings charming, but beneath the surface, darkness awaits, ready to devour those who dare to delve too deep.


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